These printables are available for people who have purchased a copy of Fast Fiction by Denise Jaden. Please feel free to print multiple copies for your own use, or right click and save to your computer to enlarge in your photo/word processing program.
Also, I invite you to check out my fiction that was fast drafted using the Fast Fiction methods:
Copyright 2013 Denise Jaden
Character Speed Drill:
Set a timer for five minutes. Start with your main character and fill in the below sentences with the first thing that comes to your mind concerning this character. Then come back and fill it in for your antagonist and secondary characters.
The more fully you know your characters prior to writing, the easier it will be to follow them through the plot, and the more immediately they will jump off the page for the reader.
I am…
I live with…
My main job is…
I’m really good at…
My mother thinks I…
I hate it when I…
I most admire…
The last time I cried was…
My favorite memory is…
I wish I could be better at…
My dad is…
It makes me really angry when…
The best gift I’ve ever been given is…
I believe in…
I love it when…
My mother is…
The most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me is…
The thing I want most today is…
My favorite book is…
My dad thinks I…
The best thing I’ve ever done is…
My favorite thing about myself is…
I feel guilty about…
Three things I can’t live without are…
What makes me laugh is…
My favorite movie is…
My biggest secret is…
The worst thing I’ve ever done is…
What I want most of all in life is…
Character Interview:
I generally do a full character interview for two or three characters in a novel, and partial interviews for a fewmore characters. I find it’s always necessary to do one for my main character, at the very least. Whenever I get a critique back from a critique partner indicating a character feels flat, dull, or cardboard-like, a character sketch or interview is the first place I turn.
Fill in the following for the main character you’ve decided to work with in your novel. Feel free to do this for more characters as you need to.
The Basics:
Full Name:
Male or Female:
Strong or weak (1-10):
Outgoing or shy (1-10):
Short or tall:
Detailed physical description:
Go a little deeper:
How does my character feel about him or herself?
Will this be different at the beginning of my book than at the end?
How does my character feel about his or her father?
His or her mother?
Does my character have any pets?
How do they feel about their pets?
What does my character want most in the world?
What do they hope to avoid, above all else?
What are five adjectives that would describe my character?
What does my character do with his or her spare time?
Do they have any hobbies?
Does my character have special talents?
Where does my character fall on the intelligence scale (1-10)?
Where do they think they fall on the intelligence scale?
What was my character’s most embarrassing moment?
Proudest moment?
Most hurtful moment?
What is my character’s favorite movie?
What’s their favorite music?
Does my character have any bad habits?
Any habits that annoy others?
Who’s their best friend?
Their worst enemy?
What’s their dream job?
Their dream vacation?
Thank you so much for your book, Fast Fiction. I’m enjoying it. Also, these worksheets are wonderful! Thank you!
I’m so glad, Katie! Thanks so much for dropping me a note to let me know.
Thank you for the book: Fast Fiction. I’ve started a couple of different novels and I keep getting to the end of A1 (roughly 10 – 15k words) and I get stuck. I’ve come to realize that I had very little character depth and I had cool ideas, but no fleshed out story. I’m fleshing out one of the books this December to start in January and I already feel like I understand the story, the characters and the direction so much better. Thank you.
I’m so glad to hear that! All the very best to you in your prep work, and your writing in January. Thanks so much for stopping by to let me know 🙂
Thanks for the fabulous Fast Fiction! After my third checkout at the local library I started feeling guilty about both not sharing with my community and not supporting you! I now have my own well-worn copy and have bought 2 more for friends. This book in particular, but also your story about writing, has me inspired. Thank you!!
Aw, thanks, Danielle! I’m so glad to hear you have enjoyed the book and are getting inspiration from it. All the very best to you in your writing endeavors.
Bought Fast Fiction, a great book and the one I am sure will put me back in the writing game. I am starting back to my hobby on December 1st 2017 thanks to you, All the best to you and yours.
So glad to hear that, Ed! All the best to you as you launch into your project on December 1st!